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Baking in a "wider" FOV for VR180


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I am looking to emulate the wider FOV look of some VR players (such as Skybox's zoom slider) and "bake" this into my insta360 EVO videos for platforms such as YouTube. I was able to achieve this with the native .INSV files and VR Stitch using the EVO camera preset, and by simply setting the Camera Defaults Focal Length to about 7.0. Results below.


While this is great for skipping the insta360 Studio app, it seems the IMU data of the EVO is not supported for stabilization in Mistika. As such, I am now trying to use the "stitched" and stabilized output of the insta360 app and "size down" the video in Mistika. What is the best workflow for achieving the above look using this already processed video seen below?


After cropping for each eye and applying VR Stitch again, when the cameras are set to the correct LatLong mapping, it seems to disable all Focal Length controls. 

It's worth noting that I am very new to Mistika Boutique, and I am working through the SGO tutorials. So, I apologize if there is a very obvious answers to this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thank you.

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Hi Grunken,

Thanks a lot for reaching out!

In Mistika you can change your cameras focal length inside the VR Stitch FX via Camea Defaults or Input Camera.

Camera Defaults affects all the cameras on your VR Stitch. And input cameras affects the cameras focal length individually.

However, if a different value from the default is set in input camera, default camera won´t affect to this specific camera.

Please, try it and if further assistance is needed do not hesitate to open a ticken in our support portal: support.sgo.es where you can send us the .env and we´ll happily take a look 🙂

Have a nice week!



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Thank you for the reply @Carlos Gessler! I'm not sure my questions warrants a support ticket, but if it is more convenient to track the conversation that way, I'm happy to oblige. 

The input cameras are indeed set to 0 (default), and the Camera Defaults Focal Length does change the FOV when using the fisheye mapping (with EVO native files , but does not have an affect when the camera mapping is set to the correct LatLong mapping of the insta360 Studio source video. The second screenshot show this output of the insta360 Studio app which is stabilized and already mapped. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong in doubling up the single SBS output, cropping it and attempting to use VR Stitch on it as if it was two separate cameras?

I guess a more straight forward question would be ... can you change the Focal Length when working with LatLong mapping source material? Yaw, Pitch and Roll all work fine on both the input and output cameras.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Grunken, 

   Possibly you could achieve this using the "Forward Distance" parameter: It does something similar as focal length would do, however it works even in the LatLong mode. Issue is that it works in the direction contrary to what you wish to achieve - it kind of gets you further away instead of into the scene. You would need to go to negative values, and the parameter normally has range from 0 up. See attached an instance of a preset - it is all on default so you need to set again all the parameters, but with this hacked preset, the "Forward distance" should allow you to go to negative numbers. Please test and tell us if this worked for you!Forward.grp

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