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Uber Key, Save on Quit, Illegal Characters


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First, I really love working with Mistika 10, the new color interface is amazing!
Since I am fully over to Mistika, I found some quirks and have some questions regarding my workflow.

1 Save on quit - Is there a setting for this? Sometimes I quit Mistika and find out I lost the last version of the project and I have to go back to the last autosave.
Right now if I quit Mistika it doesn't save the project or giving me a reminder to save it.

2 Uber Key - Very often I like to adjust a animated mask after tracking and animating different points. And it would be really handy if i could use a Uber key overruling all other key's.

3 Illegal Characters - Upon importing clips not all characters are allowed in a clip title for instance "09-COARSE_DIRTY-HAIR, DIRT, FLICKER.mov" does not link. (I admit using comma's is horrible)  if I rename this to "grain.mov" it is working alright. Is there some info about what characters are not allowed in a clip/file name? 

4 Mocha Pro  - I really love to see OFX support for Mocha Pro 2020.5 this is just a bold wish. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Jan, sorry for the delayed response.

1. Mistika shows a warning message to save anytime that you´ve done changes and click on exit Mistika. This issue that you´ve descrived still happens? It happens everytime that you close Mistika?

2. I´ve already send your request to the Dev team. Anyway, I leave here the link where wspoke about to help other people that are reading this topic:

3. The comas and spaces are allowed in Mistika when importing. I´ve tried to import a file with the name that you´ve provided and I´ve been able to import it. Could you open a ticket sending us a file which Mistika can´t link due the name to test it deeper?

4. Thank you very much. I´ve added this as feature request!

As always, thank you very much Jan!




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Hey Carlos,

Thank you for the update!

1. I found the difference when exiting Mistika. With the 'Exit Mistika' button indeed it gives me the warning message. Only when I do a cmd+Q command (quit program on mac) it exits without saving. Since quitting a program with a shortcut is a habit, I lost some work this way. Would be great if this could have the same response as the 'Exit Mistika' button.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 8/2/2020 at 8:05 PM, JanMaarten said:

3 Illegal Characters - Upon importing clips not all characters are allowed in a clip title for instance "09-COARSE_DIRTY-HAIR, DIRT, FLICKER.mov" does not link. (I admit using comma's is horrible)  if I rename this to "grain.mov" it is working alright. Is there some info about what characters are not allowed in a clip/file name? 


I still stumble upon 'Illegal Character' Problems only this time on export. 

I have media from a client with over 100 clips and in all clips there is  a ~  character in the source clip name. 
Now the client want to have all clips back with the exact naming. Only ~ is a illegal character upon export from Mistika.
Is there a way to easily do this without having to rename all the clips manually afterwards?

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