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Custom FX Library


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Hi guys, 

 In the previous webinar session, we talked about some custom Fx that I prepared for skin selection and another one for beauty pass. I've combined both in a third one that isolates the skin and applies the Beauty Pass in some automatic way (although you can control the value from the Color Grade included in the stack, I've renamed to make it clear). 

Keep in mind that the skin selector is created for SDR images, so depending on the project can be more or less useful. I think what is really interesting is the fact you can play with these effects, change parameters and see how they work in order to understand a bit better the capabilities of Mistika. Then you can tweak them to get better results.
If you have your own custom effects and you want to share them feel free to do it here, and we will collect them in some kind of library that is open for everyone. 
To use any pfx just drag and drop over the timespace or save it in your Global Presets folder to have access to them in any project.
I put the webinar that I mentioned before in case you couldn't watch it. 


003_Beauty Pass with Skin Selector.pfx 002_Beauty Pass.pfx 001_Skin Selector.pfx

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