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Roundtrip to PTGui

Jeff Brown

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Hi There Just testing the Trial version and having trouble applying a template. All of my rigs are custom build. To date we have used AutoPano Video / Giga. I've using a Trial version of PTGUi and can do "external stitch" and get into PTGui and align 5 images OK. I then save that project / and template. How do you roundtrip it back to apply in Mistake VR? If I just go to "import stitch" and browse for those .pts files it applies and I just end up with 5 images stacked on top of each other in the centre of the screen without a correct stitch. Is there a particular way of saving the PTGui info? Any help appreciated! Jeff  

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Hi Jeff, The trial version of PTGui encripts the projects so that they cannot be use in any other app. If you want to share some samples of your rig/s I will be happy to create full PTGui projects and Mistika presets so that you can test the software. Another option is to use Hugin, which is open source and free to use. http://hugin.sourceforge.net/ Thanks!  

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