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Aliasing (moire)


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Is there any tool to fix aliasing in Mistika?  There's a tool in Nucoda called DVO Alias and it works very nicely,  Is there an equivalent tool (or a technique) to solve these issues in Mistika?



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If you happen to have the BorisFX plugins, I think there are some options if Mistika doesn't have any built-ins.

You will have to edit the OFX config file to enable them. I've done that with the Image Repair plugins I have and played with the Beauty plugin. It does work, the UI shows you all the values and you can manipulate them, but it's not quite as user friendly as other OFX interfaces.

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Hi there Colin

if i got you right 

when using comp3d you can change the Quality and samples In the Options tab

this will change the intperpulaition of the image and fix the aliasing problem.

you have this options in framing FX too

cheers Yoav

Screen Shot Comp3D.png

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Thanks Yoav.  I'll give this a try, but I was thinking of a fix for eg DJI drone footage when you are in an interlaced project, or other low end cameras.  The thin line details can wobble quite a bit.  The tool I used before had a simple high frequency cut off, which you could lower to target the fix.  I think that I might try the frequency separation method from this video:


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Hi Colin

just to mention 

in Blur FX you have the option  to change the way blur effect in the "anamorphic" tab

and also in the "Units" tab increment is by default 10000 this can be pixel base if you change it to your project resolution say 1080.

and last is the type of blur "gaussian" "box" and all the other

hope it helps

cheers Yoav

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