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Optical Flow "Jelly"

Joseph Pitts

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Hello All! I was moving around in ver 8.8.6 Beta...some notes In 8.8.5 I could tune the "jelly" out while still using the optical flow overlap by turning the min level to 0.00, Levels to 8.000, iterations to 100, and smooth to 50.00...the 8.8.6 still gives me "jelly" on the seams, even after I've deleted 8.8.6....also after deleting 8.8.6 in remains in those projects i worked on with 8.8.6 when I open them in 8.8.5. Also, I have tried to edit some of my projects, like changing it in Edit Project Settings to change it's Video Format, but the dropdown window is missing...   that's it for now support ticket on the way   Joe

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Hello Joe, The problem you are experiencing sounds weird. I would like to see it if you have time for sending the media to support@sgo.es. Which rig is? Maybe I already have some footage for testing this but it could be related to a corrupted project, so maybe if you create a new one the problem will be solved. Just give me the opportunity of taking a look in case my suggestion does not work. Edit project settings are able to be changed before opening a project/sequence. .ro

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