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Audio in Insta360Pro2 files


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Hi everybody, 

I've tried to see if my problem is already in other post, but I didn't found anything...

I have to stitch materials from Insta360Pro2, I can handle the video part importing the six cameras (from the 6 microSD) but audio is missing: is recorded on SDcard, but I don't know how to add it to my video? Where I' m wrong?

thanks for helping :)



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Hi Stefano!

It's expalined on the Mistika VR manual on chapter " How to export the audio track with the Insta Pro 2 cameras". I'll paste the info here :)

The Insta Pro 2 saves the audio in the file called origin_6_lrv.mp4 file directly. If the user needs to export with the high-resolution files the audio track, the next
workaround is the one to proceed to:

1. Import the high-resolution files.
2. Do the stitching jobs.
3. Once the stitching is ready, import the origin_6_lrv.mp4 file as camera number 7.
4. Select in the clip stack the origin_6_lrv.mp4 file.
5. Go to 'Input camera' control tab and do click on 'enable' to turn off the camera. As you can see the audio speaker can be selected in the clip stack so now you are ready to export your sequence with audio. Ensure the speaker in the clip stack is ON in the origin_6_lrv.mp4 file.
6. In the rendering process, do not forget to select the option for audio 'in movie'

I hope you find it useful!


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