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No Undo option

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  • 4 years later...

I'm guessing "undo" is still severely broken? I'm evaluating Mistika, and "undo" seems to basically break everything...eg. I was tweaking some values under the "Input Cameras" tab (I'd added a lot of keyframes, very carefully) and I did "undo". It reset everything back to zero and deleted all my keyframes, which is obviously a disaster. I am VERY unimpressed by the shabbiness of this whole SGO environment; the installation procedure was terrible - everything just felt very buggy; buttons were off-screen, processes were INCREDIBLY slow (even on my fast workstation)...it feels like I'm using an alpha version of software, not a fully developed professional tool.

Anyway - back to my question - is "Undo" completely useless and should be avoided at all costs? If so, why have you included such an under-developed feature that is disastrous to anyone's workflow?

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