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Mistika Workflows Open Beta Now Live!

Melanie Diaz

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Hi all!

Welcome to Mistika Workflows Official Forum:classic_smile:

SGO has announced a pre-release of Mistika Workflows, its first dedicated Media Management, Transcoding and Delivery software solution.

Currently in the Open Beta phase, Mistika Workflows is completely free of charge and open to everyone who wants to test-drive it and give their feedback on pre-release versions. Join the 30-day Open Beta program by clicking HERE.

Free of charge, one time offer, for all active Mistika Technology subscribers

After the period of beta testing, Mistika Workflows will be available online through the SGO Shop based on a pay-per-use business model with flexible payment options from just Euro €49 a month. As a part of SGO Loyalty Reward Program all active Mistika VR and Mistika Boutique subscribers at the time of release will get a copy of Mistika Workflows included in their existing subscription. In the upcoming days, they will find the software installer and activation code in their Online Account on SGO website. As long as the current subscriptions are being maintained active and not canceled, Mistika Workflows will come included completely free of charge. In addition, all Mistika Ultima customers on support will have access to Mistika Workflows at no extra cost.

Find out more about Mistika Workflows Open Beta HERE.

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Guest Prores

Very interesting software! The UI is still a bit spartan but I guess that will change. I tried to render yesterday some Prores file on Windows and it was really fast (using a Nvidia Quadro P6000) The Prores is the "official" one or the flavour using FFmepg libraries? Thanks!

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Guest Luis Ochoa
On 6/11/2019 at 10:44 PM, Guest Prores said:

Very interesting software! The UI is still a bit spartan but I guess that will change. I tried to render yesterday some Prores file on Windows and it was really fast (using a Nvidia Quadro P6000) The Prores is the "official" one or the flavour using FFmepg libraries? Thanks!

Sorry, I didn't realice that I wasn't giving my name

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On 6/11/2019 at 10:44 PM, Guest Prores said:

Very interesting software! The UI is still a bit spartan but I guess that will change. I tried to render yesterday some Prores file on Windows and it was really fast (using a Nvidia Quadro P6000) The Prores is the "official" one or the flavour using FFmepg libraries? Thanks!

Thanks for your nice comments. The prores support is the oficial one in all O.S. windows/Mac and Linux.

please let us know if you need any support with the product, or if you have indeas and/or requirements you think we could implement

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On 6/12/2019 at 7:39 AM, amilkis@mac.com said:

Very excited to try this out! I installed and activated the license for the MacOS version, but it crashes upon launching. Any suggestions?


What OSX version are you using? could you please launch the app from a console and send us the output? that could help us to understand what is going wrong.

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On 6/12/2019 at 2:10 PM, amilkis@mac.com said:

Mac OS 10.14.5


It looks like a Python problem. Workflows uses Python 2.7. what Py version do you have in your system?

if you want, we can schedule a remote support session for one of our engineers to take a look and try to fix the problem.

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Guest H265 Render Options

Your H265 render options don't correspond to the essential HEVC settings, like the choice of either CBR (Constant Bit rate) or VBR (Variable bit rate) and how much or either.

Where's the ability to choose Main or Main 10? Or Levels, such as 5 or 5.1 or 5.2 or ?

Look at Adobe Media Encoder for clues as to what's missing in your HEVC render options. 


Please include the HEVC essentials in your HEVC render options. 

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On 6/14/2019 at 2:30 AM, Guest H265 Render Options said:

Your H265 render options don't correspond to the essential HEVC settings, like the choice of either CBR (Constant Bit rate) or VBR (Variable bit rate) and how much or either.

Where's the ability to choose Main or Main 10? Or Levels, such as 5 or 5.1 or 5.2 or ?

Look at Adobe Media Encoder for clues as to what's missing in your HEVC render options. 


Please include the HEVC essentials in your HEVC render options. 


please give us few  days and we will upload some details about how to set up the H265 codification.

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On 6/14/2019 at 2:41 AM, Guest Output said:

None of the Output choices are to render locally


How do I render to a local drive?

by default, all the transcoders will write the output in the same folder where the input is located

you can select any other folder, just selecting it in the URL property of the transcoding node or using drag and drop of the desired folder into the transcoding node

you have a small tutorial where you can see the process in this video:

Please let us know if you need any further support on this subject

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On 6/14/2019 at 2:30 AM, Guest H265 Render Options said:

Your H265 render options don't correspond to the essential HEVC settings, like the choice of either CBR (Constant Bit rate) or VBR (Variable bit rate) and how much or either.

Where's the ability to choose Main or Main 10? Or Levels, such as 5 or 5.1 or 5.2 or ?


the Nvidia H264 and H265 parameters are defined automatically according to the table available in this link:


So, when you define a resolution, frames per second, bitrate and the Bitrate, the system selects the best level and profile to fit those settings.

At the moment, we do not allow changing them directly to avoid generating files out of the standard, as they could not be supported by all the players.


I hope this info helps you to understand how the codec works.


kindly yours





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, the latest Open Beta is almost ready. If everything goes as expected, it should be available next week.


Main News in that Beta:

  1. New Frame.IO node. it allows to upload files to Frame.IO. If a file with the same name already exists in the selected Folder, the new file is uploaded as a new Version.
  2. New Checksum Node supporting md4, md5 and SHA1. 
  3. Quality param added to H26X. and now bitrate and Quality appears only when the selected codec supports it
  4. non GPU H264 Codec added for OSX systems without nvidia card
  5. New Copy Node to support multiple inputs. 
  6. New Move Node.
  7. New Trash Node.
  8. Fixed: autocompleting Python console failing because of case sensitivity.
  9. Fixed: Files locked during processing in Windows.
  10. Fixed: Python exposes now more Qt classes.
  11. Fixed: unexpected ./ appearing in file some Paths
  12. Fixed: Online help URL not working
  13. Fixed: tar output connector not working
  14. Fixed: EXR render to Prores crashing
  15. Fixed: Timecode mismarches
  16. Fixed: Single frame sequences not being rendered properly
  17. Fixed: EXR sequences not populating frames property.

We are still working to improve the metadata extraction from files. That may not be finished for this Beta but for next one.

We are also working to improve the codec recognition, in cases such us DNxHD in mov containers. Again, not sure if this will be fixed in this beta or next one.

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