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Some thoughts on Mistika Review


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As you know I've started using Mistika BT extensively. I wasn't really aware what the other tools (Review, VR, and Workflow) are doing, that they're in Beta and can be tested... I think there is opportunity to give them much more exposure.

I downloaded Review and played with it. A few thoughts from my first experiments:

- It's a helpful tool. The tool to beat is Telestream Switch, which many people are using who need an external player for a variety of footage. The other tool to watch is frame.io, which is quickly becoming the standard for review & comments (in a collaborative environment) and is doing a lot of UI development and tool integrations.

- It's very cool that we can view so many formats and have the ability to control input color spaces, LUTs, etc. That is an advantage of Mistika RW that other tools don't have.

- But there are quite a few features missing for it to be as useful:

  • I didn't see any ability to play back audio (did I do something wrong?)
  • It absolutely should leverage existing Mistika I/O and playback on external displays via AJA (and BMD in future)
  • The meta data display should be more comprehensive (see information available in Switch)
  • It would be nice to have some scopes and other basic analytics

- Features that I'd love as UI improvements:

  • Consider how people can add comments in frame.io. The text box is always open underneath the playback window. Once you start typing it stops playback, and once you hit save it automatically generates a new comment. No need to click '+'.
  • There need to be ways to export comments in typical formats. See frame.io - most basic export is a CSV that includes TC with every comment. Better integrations for Avid can export comments as markers with notes.

- I did load one EXR sequence and set input space and curve to ACESCg (also tried linear). The results didn't look right. 



Edited by jan1
  • Thanks 1
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