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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2022 in all areas

  1. Hi everyone! We have released a new version of Mistika 10 for Mistika Boutique and Ultima, introducing Automatic VFX Management, Upgraded LUT 3D Export and ACES 1.3 Support. This version is already available on your Online SGO Account. New Features & Improvements Automatic VFX Versions Management This new intelligent system saves time and eliminates errors by allowing to import VFX shots or even several different versions in just a few simple clicks. Check this video to see how it works. ACES 1.3 Support ACES has been updated to the latest 1.3 version, adding: ACES Gamut Compress Invert ODT ACES CSC for Sony Venice Reorganized ODT Curves Bug Fixing Upgraded LUT 3D Export LUT 3D export has been enhanced, improving the collaboration between on-set and post-production workflows. It can now be exported from the entire color corrector or from a specific stack (FX, UniColor, etc.) Color Metadata render embed for ProRes and XAVC codecs New Import Media smart option during Conform When conforming, Mistika users no longer need to import all media thanks to the newly built intelligent system that only imports the shots that will be used. ST Maps Import and Export Facilitating the workflow between Mistika Boutique and compositing softwares such as Nuke, the newly added STMaps provide all the stitch information, not only geometry but also optical data. New color curves added to Unicolor tool Fuji F-Log DJI D-Log and DJI D-Gamut Adobe RGB *Renamed Curves: PQ 2084, PQ 2084 (scene), BBC WHP 283 New Multiuser System for Window Improved installation management for Windows users without admin permissions. New Vector Navigation option for Tangent Panels In the Tangent Panels library new options to navigate to specific vectors in the Color Grade node have been added. New Reset Vector option included for Tangent ARC Panels Shaper LUT supported High precision LUTs that are especially optimized for HDR and VFX pipelines. Gamma selections have been added to Phantom media Single Image Import enhancement: The duration of the single image is now determined by the number of frames of your project. New option to disable the overlays when the media is on Input Mode Increased Brush size Brush size can now be increased up to 1024 for better support of UHD and 8K resolution projects. New Codecs & Camera Presets: FUJI RAW .raf Canon RF.2mm F2.8 L Dual Fisheye lens preset Fixes: Reset in the Color Grade node can now be undone correctly. The Undo Action now works properly over the Timewarps. The R3D IPP2 params now work properly. The EXR multilayer files will now show the first layer in case the RGB layer is not automatically detected. Fixed memory leak when exporting to 32K. Display Filters that are modified in Mistika Workflows can now be imported to Mistika Boutique and Ultima. Processing R3D media in 16-ACES when working in OPEN-CL is now fixed. Reduce factor at 1:2 with R3D media now works correctly. The limitation when working with CRM files is now fixed. Fixed Timeline TC modification. Color Space is now functioning properly when the Reduce Factor is changed for R3D files working in 16-ACES and 16-HDR. The Reduce Factor in 1:2 Premium is now working properly. The limitation with the Next Knob bank in Tangent ARC Panels when switching between RGB and CYM is now fixed. Improved Color Grade vectors behaviour. Get Clip TC option now works correctly with Groups. Enhanced the Tint and Temperature when the contrast is activated. RED footage is now working properly with OpenCL in macOS. Side-bySide Stereo 3D Live Monitor now works properly.
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