Is there any hack (or future feature) to flip the time space/visual editor arrangement?
For the most part I use Mistika in single monitor mode, since I have my primary monitor centered and the second one at an angle to the side. That's impractical with the visual editor being on the secondary display. Luckily the switch between time space and visual editor is pretty fast, so going back and forth is not too bad, and if you setup your stacks right you don't have to switch too often.
But there are times where it would be nice to work with both monitors. But I would need the visual editor on the left and time space on the right. An additional checkbox in mConfig could take care of that....
And no, swapping primary display assignment is not a good answer, as it needs to stay the way its for all the other things I do, unless I change that every time I launch Mistika. I already have to turn the menu bar on/off. I'd rather not have yet another system setting.