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Hi we filmed with the Detu F4 which is a bit similar to the ZCamS1. When I use the Zcam preset the four images seem to be tipped 90degrees on their sides so there is no chance of alignment. Is there a way to rotate the individual cameras that make up the stitch?

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Hi Dave, Every single camera can be modified in the 'Input cameras' tab. You can turn on by clicking in the 'clip stack' the camera you need to rotate. Anyway, if you send us a sync frame of every single camera we will include it in the preset library in the next version. You can send it across support portal: http://support.sgo.es/helpdesk/tickets Best Regards, .ro We always request videos of every single camera if your bandwidth allows it. If you are so kind sending the files, we will be happy creating the preset for you :)    

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Thanks - am trying to send but I can't log on to the Support Portal - it doesn't recognise my password and when I try to change it, it says USER DOES NOT EXIST. Thinking that this must be a separate log on to the website I went to create a new user and with the same email address it says THE USER ALREADY EXISTS. So I can't sign in in any way to send the stills/mp4s.

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