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Rendering to Avid media


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We have been testing Workflows to automate rendering to DnxHD and DNxLB for editorial.   Only DnxHd36 will render and import to Avid.  (Atom)  Higher codecs get quarantined by AVID. As stated "36" is recognized directly, but in media Composer it shows up as DNxLB even though it is really "36"

The DNxHR/LB will not render to atom format.  (separate video/audio)  And it still gets quarantined.

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On 4/25/2022 at 3:30 AM, Kenmn said:

We have been testing Workflows to automate rendering to DnxHD and DNxLB for editorial.   Only DnxHd36 will render and import to Avid.  (Atom)  Higher codecs get quarantined by AVID. As stated "36" is recognized directly, but in media Composer it shows up as DNxLB even though it is really "36"

The DNxHR/LB will not render to atom format.  (separate video/audio)  And it still gets quarantined.

We already anwered via support, but we are posting the answer here so other users can also see the info as it can be useful for them:

At the moment Workflows has 3 nodes supporting DNx

- DNxHD (OP1A for 36, 120, 185 and 185x)
- DNxHD OpAtom (OpAtom LB, SQ, HQ, and HQX)
- DNxHR (OP1A LB, SQ, HQ, HQX, and 444)

At the moment, we do not support DNxHR  Op Atom.
we plan to do it at some point, but we do not have date for that development just jet
If you need any further information, feel free to let us know.
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