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Adding Single Camera Footage to a Pre-stitched 360 Video in Mistika


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Is this possible? I'm testing a workflow on the 7 day trial, but basically, can I warp a single video to sit properly within the 360 video taken in the same spot.


ex: image.png.e07f54cba1a09929c2ef94c01286dc46.png



What would I do in mistika?



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I think Mistika Boutique may be better for this kind of workflow, as you can compose and fix every detail of the composition there. In Mistika VR what you can do is to place the video in the 360 space by using the overlay mode in the Input Camera panel. Just load your video in the camera stack, as you have done. Select the video and in the Input Camera, search for the Mode option and change it to overlay. In the Mapping option you would probably need to set it to planar, as I imagine is a standard video (in the example below is in the defoult mode, in Fisheye, but change it anyway).

 This should let you control that video as an overlay. If you need to soft the borders you will need to bring the same footage but with an alpha embedded with the edges already soft. This is where Boutique is specially useful, as you can do everything in there. But it's the oonly step you probably would miss here.  


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