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Peter Kovar

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Hello Peter,

At this moment only Centos 7.4 is supported.

We are going to test with v8 and check if additional development is going to be needed for it to be supported.

We'll get back to you in a couple days to let you know what we found.


Carlos Gómez

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Hello again Peter,

thanks for your patience. We have been working on Centos 8 support and have been able to make it work. A new installer compatible with it (and still compatible with  v7) will be available soon.

There a couple things that you'll need to configure in your system before installing:

1.- Install the nvidia driver from www.nvidia.com

2.- Completelly disable selinux as it blocks the license server.

3.- Install python2 in your system.

4.- Configure your desktop so it shows desktop icons.


Carlos Gómez

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