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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/02/2020 in all areas

  1. BlueFix_Highlight_ACES.glsl Hi everyone! We've contacted Paul Dore to ask for permission so we can adapt his GLSL code to Mistika's. Now, with the GLSL file attached in this file, you can easily fix the Blue Highlight Artefact when moving from AP0 Gamut to Ap1 Gamut. Here you can see the before/after: Thanks and kudos to Paul Dore for this awesome code. Much appreciated. I hope you find it useful! Cheers, Cristóbal
    1 point
  2. Hi all, We have created a Py examplenode to upload videos to youtube as part of the Mistika Workflows process. It will be included in the next Open Beta. Meanwhile, in order to help users/developers to use it and understand the code, let me explain the code: In order to use it, you may need to install the following py modules in your system (if they are not installed already): google-api-python-client oauth2client httplib2 argparse the initialization function: def init(self): self.addConnector("File",Cconnector.CONNECTOR_TYPE_INPUT,Cconnector.MODE_REQUIRED) self.addConnector("Output",Cconnector.CONNECTOR_TYPE_OUTPUT,Cconnector.MODE_OPTIONAL) self.addProperty("mail","") self.addProperty("title","test upload. to be deleted") self.addProperty("description","File uploaded with Mistika Workflows") self.addProperty("category",22) self.addProperty("keywords") self.addProperty("privacyStatus","public") self.addProperty("loginTimeout",30) return True - The Connectors: The node has 2 connectors: "File": the input movie(s). Their format must be already compatible with youtube. In order to do that, you can use any previous Transcoding node. "Output": The output connector will include the input universal Paths including a new parameter with the video youtube ID. That way, it can be used in the following nodes, i.e. to send a link by mail, or slack. - The Properties: The Node uses 7 properties mail: This mail is used to store the Youtube access Token. title: The video title. description: The video description. category: The Youtube category number. The names are defined in the .xsd file, and the default (22) correspond to "People & Blogs category" keywords: comma separated keywords, privacyStatus: It can be Public, Private or Unlisted. Default is Public. loginTimeout: It is a hidden parameter with the login process TimeOut. After that time, if the user does not grant access permissions in the web Browser, the process will fail. the validation function: def isReady(self): res=True if not self.mail: res=self.critical("youtube:isReady:mail","email can not be Empty") if not self.title: res=self.critical("youtube:isReady:title","Title can not be Empty") if not self.description: res=self.critical("youtube:isReady:description","Description can not be Empty") return res The validation funcion is very simple, it just checks that the mail, title and description files are not empty. -The process function: def process(self): out=self.getFirstConnectorByName("Output") out.clearUniversalPaths() res=True success = False port_number = 0 args = argparser.parse_args() socketError=False httpd=None timeout=self.loginTimeout for port in args.auth_host_port: port_number = port try: httpd = ClientRedirectServer((args.auth_host_name, port),ClientRedirectHandler) httpd.timeout=timeout except socket.error,e: socketError=e pass else: success = True oauth_callback = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=args.auth_host_name, port=port_number) break if not success: self.critical("youtube:process","unable to start local web browser: %s" %socketError) if (httpd): closeServer(httpd) return False print('server running on port {}'.format(httpd.server_port)) for c in self.getConnectorsByName("File"): for p in c.getUniversalPaths(): file=p.filePath() print "uploading %s" % file id=uploadFile(self,file,args,httpd,oauth_callback) if id: p.setParam("youtubeId",id) out.addUniversalPath(p) else: res=False closeServer(httpd) return res The process funcion first creates a server to process the youtube identification callback in the local computer. That server will listen the ports 8080 or 8090 if they are not used already. Once the server is created, the node will process all the input connectors and all their universalPaths to upload them to YouTube. The upload Process: The upload process is based on the youtube example available at https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/insert In that link you can find details about that part of the process. The code is pretty much maintained from that example, we just made the necesary adjustments to make it work inside Mistika Workflows. The only significant change was to move the server creation outside the uploadFile function to avoid creating and destroying the server for every upload, doing it once instead. So, the full node code is the following: import httplib import httplib2 import os import random import sys import time import logging import socket from argparse import Namespace from googleapiclient.discovery import build from googleapiclient.errors import HttpError from googleapiclient.http import MediaFileUpload from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets from oauth2client.file import Storage from oauth2client.tools import run_flow,argparser,ClientRedirectServer,ClientRedirectHandler from oauth2client import client from Mistika.classes import Cconnector def init(self): self.addConnector("File",Cconnector.CONNECTOR_TYPE_INPUT,Cconnector.MODE_REQUIRED) self.addConnector("Output",Cconnector.CONNECTOR_TYPE_OUTPUT,Cconnector.MODE_OPTIONAL) self.addProperty("mail","") self.addProperty("title","test upload. to be deleted") self.addProperty("description","File uploaded with Mistika Workflows") self.addProperty("category",22) self.addProperty("keywords") self.addProperty("privacyStatus","public") self.addProperty("loginTimeout",30) return True def isReady(self): res=True if not self.mail: res=self.critical("youtube:isReady:mail","email can not be Empty") if not self.title: res=self.critical("youtube:isReady:title","Title can not be Empty") if not self.description: res=self.critical("youtube:isReady:description","Description can not be Empty") return res def process(self): out=self.getFirstConnectorByName("Output") out.clearUniversalPaths() res=True success = False port_number = 0 args = argparser.parse_args() socketError=False httpd=None timeout=self.loginTimeout for port in args.auth_host_port: port_number = port try: httpd = ClientRedirectServer((args.auth_host_name, port),ClientRedirectHandler) httpd.timeout=timeout except socket.error,e: socketError=e pass else: success = True oauth_callback = 'http://{host}:{port}/'.format(host=args.auth_host_name, port=port_number) break if not success: self.critical("youtube:process","unable to start local web browser: %s" %socketError) if (httpd): closeServer(httpd) return False print('server running on port {}'.format(httpd.server_port)) for c in self.getConnectorsByName("File"): for p in c.getUniversalPaths(): file=p.filePath() print "uploading %s" % file id=uploadFile(self,file,args,httpd,oauth_callback) if id: p.setParam("youtubeId",id) out.addUniversalPath(p) else: res=False closeServer(httpd) return res # YouTube auxiliary functions. # Based in google example available at https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/insert def uploadFile(self,file,args,httpd,oauth_callback): if not os.path.exists(file): self.critical("youtube:upload:fileNotFound","File Not Found: %s" % file) return False httplib2.RETRIES = 1 MAX_RETRIES = 10 VALID_PRIVACY_STATUSES = ("public", "private", "unlisted") setattr(args,'file',file) setattr(args,'title',self.title) setattr(args,'description',self.description) setattr(args,'category',self.category) setattr(args,'keywords',self.keywords) setattr(args,'privacyStatus',self.privacyStatus) youtube = get_authenticated_service(self,args,httpd,oauth_callback) if (youtube): try: id=initialize_upload(self,youtube, args) except HttpError, e: self.critical("youtube:upload:httpError ","An HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s" % (e.resp.status, e.content)) return False return id return False def get_authenticated_service(self,args,httpd,oauth_callback): CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE = "{}/youtube/workflows.json".format(sgoPaths.workflowsLibrary()) YOUTUBE_UPLOAD_SCOPE = "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/youtube.upload" YOUTUBE_API_SERVICE_NAME = "youtube" YOUTUBE_API_VERSION = "v3" flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRETS_FILE,scope=YOUTUBE_UPLOAD_SCOPE) CREDENTIALS_FILE = "{}/{}".format(sgoPaths.tmp(), self.mail) storage = Storage(CREDENTIALS_FILE) credentials = storage.get() if credentials is None or credentials.invalid: credentials = run_touyube_flow(self,flow, storage, args,httpd,oauth_callback) if credentials: return build(YOUTUBE_API_SERVICE_NAME, YOUTUBE_API_VERSION, http=credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http())) return False def initialize_upload(self,youtube, options): tags = None if options.keywords: tags = options.keywords.split(",") body=dict( snippet=dict( title=options.title, description=options.description, tags=tags, categoryId=options.category ), status=dict( privacyStatus=options.privacyStatus ) ) insert_request = youtube.videos().insert( part=",".join(body.keys()),body=body,media_body=MediaFileUpload(options.file, chunksize=-1, resumable=True) ) return resumable_upload(self,insert_request) def resumable_upload(self,insert_request): RETRIABLE_EXCEPTIONS = (httplib2.HttpLib2Error, IOError, httplib.NotConnected, httplib.IncompleteRead, httplib.ImproperConnectionState, httplib.CannotSendRequest, httplib.CannotSendHeader, httplib.ResponseNotReady, httplib.BadStatusLine) RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES = [500, 502, 503, 504] response = None error = None retry = 0 id=False while response is None: try: print "Uploading file..." status, response = insert_request.next_chunk() if response is not None: if 'id' in response: print "Video id '%s' was successfully uploaded." % response['id'] id=response['id'] else: critical("youtube:resumableUpload:unexpectedError","The upload failed with an unexpected response: %s" % response) return False except HttpError, e: if e.resp.status in RETRIABLE_STATUS_CODES: error = "A retriable HTTP error %d occurred:\n%s" % (e.resp.status,e.content) else: raise except RETRIABLE_EXCEPTIONS, e: error = "A retriable error occurred: %s" % e if error is not None: warning("youtube:resumableUpload:error",error) retry += 1 if retry > MAX_RETRIES: critical("youtube:resumableUpload:maxRetries","No longer attempting to retry.") return False max_sleep = 2 ** retry sleep_seconds = random.random() * max_sleep print "Sleeping %f seconds and then retrying..." % sleep_seconds time.sleep(sleep_seconds) return id def run_touyube_flow(self,flow, storage, flags, httpd,oauth_callback): logging.getLogger().setLevel(getattr(logging, flags.logging_level)) flow.redirect_uri = oauth_callback authorize_url = flow.step1_get_authorize_url() import webbrowser if (webbrowser.open(authorize_url, new=1, autoraise=True)): timeout=self.loginTimeout self.info("youtube:run_touyube_flow:webbrowserOpen","Please use the raising web browser to sign in your Google account (Timeout: {:d} secs)".format(timeout)) else: self.critical("youtube:run_touyube_flow:webbrowserFailed","Unable to open Web Browser") return False code = None httpd.handle_request() if 'error' in httpd.query_params: self.critical("youtube:run_touyube_flow:rejected","Authentication request was rejected.") return False if 'code' in httpd.query_params: code = httpd.query_params['code'] else: self.critical("youtube:run_touyube_flow:codeNotFound","Unable to find authentication code") return False try: credential = flow.step2_exchange(code) except client.FlowExchangeError as e: self.critical("youtube:run_touyube_flow:failed",'Authentication has failed: {0}'.format(e)) return False storage.put(credential) credential.set_store(storage) self.info("youtube:run_touyube_flow:success",'Authentication successful.') return credential def closeServer(httpd): httpd.socket.close() httpd.shutdown
    1 point
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